Learn Roulette Video Source & Info:
We made a secret video how the casino can manipulated the automatic roulette. This video proofs the can manipulate te roulette.
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De content in deze video mag door derden gebruikt worden indien er een duidelijke bronvermelding bij staat.
Source: YouTube

Manufacturer of the wheel is Cammegh. Model Slingshot 2 automatic roulette wheel. Every number pocket has a jet where air is blown out to start the ball up to the rim and a second jet to accelerate it for the spin. If ball ball comes down into the wheel and air would be blown out of a specific range of neighbour pockets, ball will never enter there.
Fkin loud music.. Omg..
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As already stated, this is a video of the the ball being launched just played backwards
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The video is not played backwards. This are technical features of the system. For me the best proof how they steel my money.
Onetime wrote that video was made on the ICE fair. This video shows a short demonstration for casino branch visitors on the fair. In 30 seconds they were informed how the ball can be controlled by a computer and an airjet system. Secure winnings and no risk for the casino. The settings of controlling software decides, if the system pays out. Our local casino has three of these cammegh slingshot wheels. A normal spin looks like a spin as usual, but it is not coincident!
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