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How to win big money at the Casino playing Roulette with new strategies tested at 9am every day. Use Martingale, outside bets, straight up, streets, six lines, splits, with bankrolls to fit every budget. Subscribers are encouraged to share their ideas and The Roulette Master will share and test them in new videos. Messages are answered promptly and are encouraged. Please Subscribe!! Turn on notifications!! Share content!!
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10 10 10 15 25 40 60 90 140 225 350 530 800
$2300 buy in
As always test on your app before taking it to the casino .  Please bet responsibly, and only bet money that you can afford to lose
Source: YouTube

Excellent video
Re watch your video and look at the 2 to 1s you won so many so if you played both 12s and 2 to 1 you bank more
Question, should I trust video roulette at the casino? they have no live roulette where I live
what website is this
Its a great strategy since its really hard to loose 18 times and the max youll ever loose is 2300. A great strategy for sure.
What do you think of this progression for a low roller. Less risk but not much less reward. −1−5−5−10−20−30−40−60−90−140−210−310−470.
Total risk/ bank roll $1391
I just wanted to say that I enjoy your videos! Keep on keepin' on!