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Brian and Chris talk about the leveling and story experience going into the 3rd dungeon and the powerful story post 1st trial.
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I really liked the dungeon with the three deities (I think it's the first dungeon?). Each one taught different mechanics, and the last one had all three at once. The last boss could have been chaotic but instead I see very few deaths (playing as healer so I get to know what fights are tricky generally). It felt formulaic, but in a really good way so people don't panic about 100 AOEs
I’m a little farther than you. Glad you are enjoying it! I’ve loved the concept as a whole so far, and despite expecting nearly every thing that has happened I find it hard to step away. There are a lot of things about endwalker that have been very frustrating. After arriving at Sharlyan you have the option to proceed with the labrynthos story or the thavanir story. I chose to go to thavanir, which ends setting up the first dungeon but I wasn’t able to do that until I went back to sharlyan and did the other quest chain. Why even offer me the option? Then there was the acquisition of aether currents in some zones that were really obnoxious like thavanir. The escort quests have lost their appeal quickly as I’m unable to mount or use aetherytes with them. Even worse is the sneak behind someone quests which are incredibly tedious and not fun. Even the zenos body swap scenario wasn’t exciting. I didn’t feel any fear or dread, It just felt annoying and tedious. The most infuriating of all the aspects however is the cutscenes where “what I want to say” is not an option I don’t feel like my a character is representing me any longer as I feel like I’m 2 steps ahead guessing what’s next, and my character is 2 steps behind. That’s my opinion, still am enjoying the game, overall.
Wtf how are u only level 85??????
Yesss I so agree that giving us the raid mechanics in dungeons is the right way. Break people in early. So people can have a baseline experience to back them up when facing new challenges that are not that familiar.
I’ve seen that scene in Thavnair three times and it’s harrowing every time. It’s rough and that’s coming from a non-parent
Tank healing is fun. :p Had a SCH who was having a rough time in the lv90 story dungeon. She died in every boss around 50% and we had no DD rez… so the SAM and I on my PLD duo'd them all from 50%+. (The BRD was getting hit by too many mechs for me to keep him alive for very long).
I'm honestly impressed you were able to keep a DD alive as a WAR. Saving boss wipes from healer death is one of the most godly feelings you can get from playing PLD… especially when the boss is over 50%. It's something we've been able to do since SB, and even though Clemency potency has been nerfed, the fact that it only costs 1k mp now makes it a buff to our overall healing ability, both to ourselves and to the rest of the party. It's great! 😀
I simply referred to the entire planet of Eorzea until the actual name was revealed otherwise. It was only then I also realized I never knew the name of the planet.
I’m at the same spot. Just finished that arc. My god the hits are just tapping one after another. I was so emotionally drained after Garlemald and Thavnair.
Stormblood there wasn't any resistance in the dungeons themselves until the raids. Except for the story mode quests that simply got unfair at points with the instant loss mechanics. I wasn't able to do the final quest on release at it's original difficulty, but even with a few waves of making it easier that one took me a few tries. And yet, stormblood difficulty in story quests didn't put me off. Required dungeons, a touch easy. … So comparing them to endwalker, there's a noticible step up in effort. Course none of it is even close to some of the other harder things. I still feel we should have non story hard dungeons to fill the gap between dungeons and ex.
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