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I Learned 24 Valorant Skills In 24 Hours!
Today I am learning 24 different Valorant skills in 24 hours and a lot of them are really cool skills! If you enjoy these videos be sure to leave a like and subscribe!
FOLLOW MY TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mehrked
JOIN MY DISCORD TO BE IN VIDEOS: https://discord.gg/K7ez9yr3A9
PRODUCTION MUSIC BY: “www.epidemicsound.com”
LUDWIG & SCHLATT: “https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbtXFIaAJ0fOtgyeDs8Jog”
✔Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/MEHRKED
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✔TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mehrkedval
✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mehrked/
#gaming #valorant #skills
Source: YouTube

Go touch grass
Hold up you only have 37k
I actually love your content and your playstyle like how are you just hitting headshots you're so strong your aim is so precise really good job 🙂
Bro did the side quests 💀💀💀
this vid actually made valorant kinda fun again ngl
L sound effects
that touching grass joke at the end was not funny. its super predictable and overused, not to mention offensive to us chronically obese valorant players/ discord mods who are unable to stand up from our chairs.
knike kill is yoru and omen users so ez
bro fr copied Valorant Curios
New favourite utuber 🙂