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🔴 Red/Black Strategy ➤https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0_eXhhHx54&list=PLsvng5GIA3wjC4V7jZ0wTprWKiBh0OU8S&index=5&t=0s
A very interesting theory concerning roulette statistics, bordering on gambler’s fallacy. Are spin outcomes really independent events or do past spins influence future results. This is about hot and cold numbers.
Source: YouTube

It depends. There are 2 factors, the speed of the spin and the wheel condition.
Thanks for enforcing my rules. Won $800 today btw
Noone has ever thought about the obvious outside force being the human playing? If you play a lot of roulette I know you've had an instance where you thought of a number shortly b4, or right b4 it dropped to that exact number. I've had it happen multiple times
If red comes in 20 times in a row that doesn't mean black is due , it just means i feel comfortable betting that it is.
At the end of the day, RNG knows your assumption, and live wheels spinners are trained to not build a method of operation, ..
This is wandering into the realms of quantum theory.
Double slit experiment dictates that a photon is both a particle and a wave at the same time, until it is observed. As insane as it sounds quantum theory is real and it has massive implications on what we perceive reality to be. It could very well be true that seemingly inanimate objects do keep an 'impression' of previous realities, it is a real possibility with quantum theory and quantum theory has been proven 100% correct to date in all experiments scientists have carried out.
Anyway….do I spin or walk? 😉
Yeah, I’m trying to workout the gamblers paradox vs the birthday paradox. 🤔
If red hits 5 or 6 times im betting against it. I know there's a 50/50 chance still. But then I think what are the odds of red hitting every single time 50/50? Thats like saying there's a 50 percent chance the first 50 spins will be red and the next 50 will be black. If its 50/50 . Technically speaking. That doesn't add up in my mind. I feel like odds of a streak happening or the number of that hits in that streak are not really taken into consideration. What are the odds it rolls red 50 times in a row. Is it 50/50? I doubt it.
True randomness is a myth. Even the quantum RNG's set up across the planet by the Princeton University scientists form coherent patterns which correlate to global events..
I recently started developing an advanced roulette simulation system. I ran 30K spins (retrieved data from real life roulette tables). It is interesting for sure. For instance, the highest amount of a single number not being hit in a row was 421. While another number scored 333, and the rest "averaged" at 285 or lower. I think the difference between the 421 and others is extremely odd, and probably quite rare too (not sure yet). Other data was that Red/Black both hit 15 times in a row at a maximum based on the sample data. The maximum misses on a column/dozen was 28 and 29 misses in a row. The coming weeks/months I will keep analyzing and add even more data for sure. I can also try out different "systems" and simulate the results profit wise. It's quite a funny project to say the least. Great video 👍