Learn Roulette Video Source & Info:
A Special Highlight from my Final Fantasy IX LiveStream! Here we RETURN TO the Iifa Tree with Quina(Since we could not TAKE him there EARLIER) to learn 2 NEW BLUE MAGICS! ONE of these you DO want to learn, it’s VERY GOOD against GRAND DRAGONS! Also, there is a VERY EASY WAY to learn “Roulette” from the “Zombies” that have TENDENCIES to “Melt” against your characters when you get their HPs down!
Note: You can learn LV5 Death from either the “Stroper” or the “Dracozombie”, both teach it!
1. Have “Freya” OR “Steiner” with the “Chemist” ability EQUIPPED.
2. Zombies have “973” HP. Hi-Potions RESTORE 450 HP. WITH “Chemist” EQUIPPED that’s DOUBLED! SINCE “Zombies” are UNDEAD, they TAKE DAMAGE from those!
3. Get into a battle with some Zombies. Get to Steiner’s OR Freya’s turn(Whichever HAS the “Chemist” ability on), WAIT FOR Quina’s ATB BAR to FILL, and then have THAT character use a “Hi-Potion” ON the “Zombie” for 900 DMG. IMMEDIATELY have Quina “Eat” the “Zombie” after. Quina should LEARN ROULETTE!
— Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/alanp36
Source: YouTube

Quina likes eating zombies so he should help Chris and Jill in RE. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd