Paano Basahin ang Pattern sa Interesting Mall? (A Request)

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What’s up mga guysue! This is just for those who wants to learn how to read the Prize Opening Record in Interesting Mall and follow the pattern to win more money.

If you want to try Interesting Mall, register using this link:­36291

You can also watch how to play Interesting Mall in my other YouTube Channel: I M EARNER

Here’s the link:

Happy earning mga guysue! Please be sure to HIT the LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and also the BELL button ah!!! Mwah…

Source: YouTube

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Paano Basahin ang Pattern sa Interesting Mall? (A Request)

3 thoughts on “Paano Basahin ang Pattern sa Interesting Mall? (A Request)

  1. Specify nyo naman po ibig nyong sabhn, malabo po eh, d klaro, sagabal pa kasi pag edit nyo sa Buses nyo eh

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