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Hello this is our 138th cover ♡ ♡ ♡
Remember to follow our instagram, twitter and facebook page !
Camera: NY
Edit: Fish
Seulgi – Eva
Irene – Fish
Joy – Grace
Wendy – Gigi
Yeri – Mung
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/EchoDancehk
YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/EchoDanceHK
Instagram : @Echodancehk
Twitter: @EchoEntCo
Source: YouTube

I love the Joy one 😍😍😍💕
for a moment, I thought the one who's role as Joy is the real Joy like wooooooooow you guys are awesome. You gain a subscriber 🙂
บ้าจริง นึกว่าจอยตัวจริง เหมือนมากกกกกกกกกกก
My gosh joy is so cute! I screamed when i saw her >.< plus seulgi is so good in dancing 💕
오 얘들은 동남아삘이 안나네
OMG! You're so pretty girls!
My favourites are the ones that play Joy and Wendy
OMG! The tallest girl looks like Joy and then the one with braids looks like Yeri too! What kind of sorcery is this?!
Better than real singers
Grace looks like joy
Eva looks like yeri