$5 bets Roulette Strategy Good winning results 100% Roulette Nation 🤑💰🤑

Roulette Strategy Video Information:

Thank you so much to everyone for any likes and comments these are all much appreciated, please dont forget to subscribe as well 🤞🏼 it will help me build my channel up.

These videos are only for fun and designed for adults to watch as legally children should not be gambling.

If you have any other strategies please send them over in the comments and I will try them.

If you subscribe thank you very much and I appreciate anyone who is watching the videos wherever you maybe 😊

I have tried and test this strategy and it is a rather good and super easy style of game play.

Roulette Nation 🤑 💰 🤑

Source: YouTube

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$5 bets Roulette Strategy Good winning results 100% Roulette Nation 🤑💰🤑

6 thoughts on “$5 bets Roulette Strategy Good winning results 100% Roulette Nation 🤑💰🤑

  1. I personally just add 1 unit per spin. It looks like this if I have lots of losses in a row
    5,10,15,20,25,30 etc. As soon as you hit the number bet with minus 5. So when you hit your number it will look like this
    30,25,20,15,10 then 5 and when you get back to 5 you can say you beat roulette and walk away with profit.
    The longer you play the more chance the wheel will beat you.
    Have a target (realistic) like £$50-100 and call it a night.

  2. Don't forget to subscribe guys 😃 and give the videos a 👍🏼👍🏼. Thanks very much

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