Roulette Strategy Video Information:
The many techniques to win at Roulette simply don’t work. This is the most successful roulette strategy My method is a time-tested way to make you a winner at any casino it is the best. This video will show you step by step how to win at Roulette. This video shows you roulette secrets the casino does not want you to know! The best roulette strategy ever se roulette table tips are winning keys to make you big money like a 10 K payout. This maybe the best roulette strategy ever. This proven roulette system works most of the time. As a professional roulette gambler, I think this system will work for you.
Source: YouTube

Shooting the breeze
not sure how that helps anyone dealing with Roulette
Just don't forget that on an American wheel you will lose 5.3% of all monies bet over the long run
if you are lucky
Let me explain how I gamble at Roulette – here are some specifics not a lot of BS:
My attitude is that gambling is entertainment – I always pay for my entertainment
I know that over the long run I'll lose 5.3% (American wheel) of all monies bet playing Roulette but I like the game
I have the attitude that any winning bet is money that comes from the casino and not me
My bankroll is entertainment money that I can spend any way I want but most forms of entertainment has the money vanishing to someone else
I start with a $100 bankroll
I have 2 stacks of chips –
1) my original stack(s) – my bankroll
2) winning stack of chips
I arrive at the casino one hour before I want to eat
I play Roulette only and every time I win a spin the winning chips go onto the "winnings" stack
I play until the "winning" stack of chips will pay for my dinner, usually about $35 for the buffet and $75 at the steak house restaurant on site
As soon as the "winning" stack gets to the purchase price of a meal I quit
I eat on the winnings of the casino – I smile the whole time
Once I'm finished eating I return to the Roulette table and take the remaining $100 minus the meal and play the same way
I play until the "winning" stack equals another meal and then I leave the casino, or I just go home after the meal.
Over the years I've never had my $100 lost and I've had hundreds of meals on the casino's money.
I lose about 5% in a year – I keep track of what's left in my bankroll from the $100 and include the meal.
99% of the folks at the table just play until they run out of money – they go home a loser
me – I've had hundreds of wonderful meals thanks to the casinos
Try that with any other type of entertainment – you can't even come close
(and honestly, if you bet anything but single numbers you can do the same exact thing and have a ball)
Total time at the table is less than 30 minutes and most of the time around 15 minutes
I spend more time eating my meal which was paid for by the casino than gambling – I have a ball
On my last visit to the casino, I had the worst streak of luck in my life
I bet $6 per spin and lost 11 spins in a row
before a win
and then 9 more losing spins leaving me with $10 to bet
The next 3 spins had me winning my maximum bet and I came right back to an even $100
It happened so fast and I was so excited that I didn't stop to eat – I broke even and was elated
I ate dinner and just went home and had a fantastic evening; it was exciting
So even this 20-year disciplined Roulette player sometimes does not follow his own advice.
I've been with Glen many times and watched him play Roulette, he is not kidding. This guy wins almost every time. He never told me about the leveling of the table and how powerful the tipping was but I did know that Tipping was not a city in China. It's exciting to watch this lad rack up mountains of chips and then get comped with anything he wants on the menu and a free room.
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