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Fun fact, eventually you'll run into that dealer who tells you you have to bet on the inside too…
Wonder if you could incorporate the red bet in this to cover third column reds.
this is black streak double columns….. I would bet the color streaks if doing this so 1+3 column for red
The profits don't begin until you martingale, so why not press after 2 or 3 wins. Then alternate collect and press. After 6 successful rolls in this system you net $30. My way is $70 net. How many times you press and collect is up to you, but you'll have to drop the bet at some time; otherwise, it's a zero progressive profit.
This is my regular system plus put a buck or so on split zeros. But i only marty regular becuse ive seen it miss the third dozen 31 times in a row! THIRTY ONE TIMES!!! I lost alot of money by being stubborn and staying there.
If you i arty normal you,d still be in the game.
Was just at the casino and 19-36 hit 8 times in a row twice in like an hour and a half period
I have ran a similar system to this where you bet 2 of the 3 columns. In using the system I have, I have seen how often the unbet column hits 3 times or more in a row over the course of multiple hours. It's common that 4 or more spins in a row occur instead of just 3 but a bust is a bust. I find that each column will 3 spin or more, about twice an hour. Sometimes spread evenly, sometimes bunched together. It's rare that one column will 3 spin, 3 different times in a row, without one of the other columns 3 spinning first. That said, I have found that it works best to follow the busted column. Meaning, when a column hits 3 spins in a row or more (wait until streak is over), leave that column unbet until a different column 3 spins. Once the different column 3 spins, leave that one as the unbet column and bet on the other 2 columns.
$130 buy in. Up to 3 spins to win once. Hit on any spin to win $5. 26 wins for every loss, or otherwise stated, 26 wins to make a $130 unit. FYI, if you play long enough, "What can happen, will happen". Expect to eventually bust a $130 unit. I, personally, like to start with 3 units because bad, "can and will happen". It's super easy to profit 1 unit without losing all 3 starting units. Modestly, you'll average a unit per hour. This factors in losses along the way. Scalable for shorter exposure to the inevitable (unit loss), or larger per hour amount for multi hour sessions.
How to bet:
$5 on 2 columns, $10 total bet, win $5
If first spin loses, multiply each bet by 3. $15 on each, $30 total bet, $5 profit on win.
If 2nd spin loses too, multiply each bet by 3. $45 on each, $90 total bet (now $130 invested), $5 profit on win.
If all 3 spins lose, wait until streak ends, leave column unbet and start again.
Consider winning 13 times, stop, and wait for the next column bust before going after 13 more. This really helps prevent any bust. At least one column will bust, collectively (all 3 columns combined), about 3 to 4 times an hour. You will often find that the column shifts before 13 spins are over and you don't have to stop until 13 spins after the latest column that busted.
Scaling with $25 starts is only $650 per unit. That's $25 a win. $100 starts is only $2600 per unit. These are common tables of $5 minimum bet and $25 minimum bet tables (inside bet minimums. $2600 will, generally, walk away with $1000 in 20 minutes. Depending on your willingness to wait for a column bust before beginning your session.
I played this system twice in two weeks on etg $1000 max bet. First week up $400 dollars. Tonight made $180 after getting whacked on 00, and 0 on three different occasions. Woulda made more but i exceeded my 4x bet on the columns. Once i broke even i decided to not sit as long. Set my goal and walked a winner. The system can work if you set your walk limits low and don't get greedy.
Can you bet both columns and 1st 12 and 2nd 12 at same time