Roulette Strategy Video Information:
Visit and watch all videos and learn of my new system to help people redeem roulette bankroll losses. The system shown in the video is a fairly old system that I use to play, that still works but today, the system I show me playing for REAL money and the one I always play for real money requires a much less bankroll and it’s MUCH faster and can be played continuously. HOWEVER, this system is one you’ve never heard of and one that works very well that I’m giving away for free that you can use today and make money today. The upgraded system allows you to play with a max bankroll of $300.00. It comes with multiple in-play and post play recovery options if you get down to even $20. And even if that doesn’;t work, will PLAY FOR YOU and recover your initial bankroll loss! CHECK OUT THE TERMS AND FAQ Video and learn the details or visit
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Source: YouTube

Thank you very much for posting. I have this kind of system similar to yours… I can make some revisions. Just the same its effective in the short run. TIMING is the key. A Trigerring mechanism is needed when to use martingale pattern. You can win most of the time using this system…. the secret is when to bet and not to bet. The system is o.k. its only flaw is wrong timing. SNIPER tactic is the key. When to shot and not to shot. Patience is the key
TIE is the new revision. I do not bet on tie. This I will bet on a tie. Your system similar to mine except for the TIE. I say its 90 percent win. Trouble is its a wrong timing…. the pattern will be against you. The solution? TIMING and a trigerring mechanism to make it sure win 100 percent. Like SNIPER in Battle of Marawi. Timing…. patience and focus. One shot one kill. Or ONE PATTERN ONE KILL.. I agree with you Matthew.
i would not try this with real money. even if i can win 25 sessions that's not enough to cover $160 what i will lose when my 6 bets are up.
where's ur email…
This is fake as hell, and I have a list that was leaked by matt probably by accident and about 40 of us contacted each other and found out the same thing SCAM.
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Resetting the "code" does nothing but starts a new shoe. There's no difference in odds and what you mention here is simply gamblers fallacy. 6 reds come up, doesn't mean that the next 6 are going to be more black than red. Also, what's up with your "Martingale" sequence… 5-10-20-53-175? In the end, you're better off just doing Martingale from the very start, and betting banker… because betting multiple negative EV bets never becomes a positive EV.
This is stupid
how to break code in real money play?
Hey could u email me ur roulette recovery system please!! I'd really like to test it out. I love playing baccarat and roulette😎