Roulette Strategy Video Information:
In this video I’ll do a 15m session of live roulette, using my favourite roulette strategy.
It’s nothing particularly complex, just a simple strategy that involves betting on the first five double streets. A double street is a bet that includes 6 numbers in a row, for example: 7,8,9,10,11,12. This type of bet pays 5:1, so if we bet €1, you get 5€ back plus the inital 1€, so basically you made a 5€ profit. So, we will bet on the first five double streets. there are a total of 6 on the roulette table, so we will leave the last double street empty. In this way, we are betting €5 each time, and making 1€ profit each round, having an 80% chance to win. In the other 20% chances, this live roulette strategy doesn’t work at the first hit. So what do I do? I recoup the lost value using the martingale system, another very popular roulette strategy, both in live roulette and online roulette. Basically betting the amount lost (in this case 5€) in the opposite colour of the last number. So say if the last number was 3 red, I’ll bet on black. Now, if I win, I got my money back, all of it, since the red and black bets pay 1:1, and you get the equivalent of the amount you bet back if you win. In this case, that means we got that €5 back, and then we go back to placing bets in our five double streets. Now, this happens in the 48% circa of the times. In the other 52%, we will lose again. Now, in that case, we simply double our bet on the same colour, in this case, 10€ on black. If we win, we got everything back, if we lose, we will have to double again. Now, my budget (60€) allows me to do up to 4 redoublings. After that, I hit the stop loss, which means I stop doubling in order to avoid too many losses. This happens on average on the 1.5% of the time, but be careful to not underestimate it, it seems a low number but that time you could lose everything you won earlier. So it’s very important to stop after a few losses.
So, this is my live roulette strategy. Did you enjoy it?
These videos are intended for 18+ only. If you have trouble with gambling, please seek help. When the fun stops, stop.
The capital is always at risk, so know your limit and set yourself a budget you can afford to lose. If you have any issues, please visit
Source: YouTube

What language is the one of the casino you're using? That's not English
Amazing video bro!
Jeeez you won 25€ like nothing….. Man you gotta teach us how you do it alright?
That's actually a quite cool roulette strategy… I never thought about it but it's actually quite clever. I'll try it out! Any casinos you suggest?
The croupier is fit innit
Why does she have a face mask?? 😂😂
Bro that's a sick roulette strategy you got there!!!! Have you got any others?
This was a fun live roulette session. Thanks for sharing man! I watched it all until the end.
Great vid!