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Why is everyone obsessed with the 0-00? Why not just pick a random number?
I cant believe you watch letterkenny thats fucing awesome!!!!!!
Put that 2 on split 0 00 small profit if zero hits
You could even wait on this for like 2 or 3 black spins in row then do it,and martingale once maybe twice
Love this system, went from $30 to $132… not bad
The only issue I see with this is, you would need to win at the very least 4 rolls in order to win the total amount you are risking, and thats assuming you only get 4 reds, Otherwise you need to win more rolls.
One loss is a huge setback. Thoughts?
Scaled down for budget players:
$2 on red,
$0.20 on the rest
Total bet = $3.20
My system: look at patterns on black and red spins. Usually you will see like 2 red, 2 black, 2 red, 2 black. Approximations and continue on this until like if red comes in and 3 blacks. wait until another red to bet again. Try patterns. Next, pays to 2:1 columns. play 1st and 2nd columns only. This is the best I can do for a $36 bet per spin. Careful and go with gut feeling and you might win more. Martingale? Only if you see a long pattern of red streak of 3-6 spins, etc…
Looks like she is losing big time! If she played every other spin she might have come away with $100 profit
I like it. It actually leaves 9 numbers to lose.