Roulette Strategy Video Information:
Roulette Strategy that Really Works. This is the best roulette strategy ever and is considered the best roulette system. It is a winning roulette strategy that works and teaches you how to play roulette and win. Roulette strategy to win and is a roulette winning strategy. Best roulette strategy in the world and the greatest roulette strategy ever. Roulette casino or roulette online works with this winning roulette strategy.
Welcome to MAKESHIFT SHOWS YouTube Channel. WE SPECIALIZE in helping you win more money than ever. Be sure to Subscribe and ring that bell. We have Roulette strategies that win. I f you want to win at Baccarat or win at Craps links are below. Please remember that this channel only demonstrates bet strategies and there is nothing contained herein that constitutes a guarantee of winning. This YouTube channel maintains no responsibility of money lost while gambling with these strategies. this channel is for educational purposes only.
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Source: YouTube

Columns or dozens…..
Which is it, Column or Dozen?
Hello love your Strategies you post you were saying bet the columns and then black but your betting the first and third dozen so is it bet the columns or the dozens
The math doesn’t work. Every spin leaves you with a negative chance to profit. Play more spots or rows and even when you win you lose more. Short term sure … anything can happen but long term lol. Anyone who thinks there is a system is a little short on brains and soon to be short on money. Keep trying known fail systems though … you cant beat the math.
$75 profit am I wrong?
Columns first and third and black would give you more winners. There is only 4 losing red # +0,00
This is good the way it is. After the first win double no matter if it is only $15. or $20.
Then go back
This is terrible as you are not covering the maximum number of black with this method. You should switch to column bets 1 and 2 that way you only leave 4 black numbers uncovered.
If he wins why soo over reactions 🤬