Roulette Strategy Video Information:
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This channels most of videos to roulette.
roulette is a Royal game everyday people’s visit online such as Youtube for new new roulette winning strategy. We also Roulette players so we make roulette videos by new new ideas for Roulette playing suitable people’s. We share some roulette strategy ideas only.. For Roulette suitable players.
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1 2 3 this four numbers add with 0. others all numbers covered by columns. so most of numbers for my win.
*any problem to understand this betting sequence ask me by comments on comment box
Music link
I selected A big Roulette table cause people’s easy can understand and see my roulette bettings properly.All of roulette videos i make carefully cause no need to say anything for understand to betting sequence. Yes,if you are suitable for roulette play you can understand my video without any lecture.
★Here we use some creative common music on our roulette videos such as ignorantly music collect from Youtube audio livery. Once i was one by one music play and selected for download a lot music. so music link peste very difficult this time and very hard to collect music link that’s music i ues on video.
We are always respect YouTube’s notifications. If any video’s music problem /claim then we currently move that’s Music from our video even video also. Music just only for extra entertainment only for my cher audience.
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Source: YouTube

Daca cineva perde o suma de bani la ruleta respectiva eu ii dau pauza la aparat 1 ora dupa care aparatul este dispus sa vomite tot ce a bagat persoanarespectiva inaintea mea .va multumesc pentru apreciere
Asta e tot mersu deci cineva sau mai multe persoane trebuie sa bage ceva bani bine experti mai nou urmareste fiecare persoana cit perde ..pentru ca el sa stie citi bani trebuie sa scoata ..e ff…simpu rabdarea e problema multor persoane ce pierd ..atentiie aparatu in timpul jocului se incalzeste fff.repede ..trebuie sa ii daii pauza daca nu vrei isi ia el si sa nu te mai astepti ca vrei sa cistigi …ai o sansa pauza cit mai mare …1 ora sau mai mult …va multumesc pt..apreciere eu sint jucator si le simt in timpul jocului daca au bai deci a 2 sau a3 mina daca nuda nimic aparatu e gol domnilor nu a perdut nimeni la el ..
What works for me is playing with the martingale strategy on sharkroulette
?! What about numbers, 6 ,9,12,5,8,11,36,27,24…. ect
Lost five times in a row
Tout le monde ne parle pas Anglais donc vos messages sont perdus
Sorry for my english guys…but with which numer you lose?thanks
I had a quick go of this with real money and did make a small profit. Something good about this is that you always win and the worst possible loss is half your original bet (roughly). This guy does come up with good methods but would like to know if it's real money.
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