Roulette Strategy Video Information:
As a pre-Mother’s Day Special, I wanted to show you The Hattrick, which is by far the best American Roulette strategy I’ve come up with to date. It’s the perfect “short game” or “quick hit method” that you can find, but be careful if you don’t win within 5-6 spins, STOP!
This American Roulette online real money system is simple:
1. Place a min bet per spot on #s 1-6, 8, 10, 20, and 26
2. Every time the ball lands, it will either be YOUR winning number or the ball will be within 1, 2 or 3 spots away from the winning #.
3. Play this as a Mirror Method Martingale. And never play past 6 times MAX if you’re losing. But, for the most part, this should hit within your first 6 spins, but you have to either set a win-stop and be done when you’re up or be disciplined to leave when it’s not your day to play.
For American Roulette strategy though, this is one of the best ones available and you can go and practice this on Bovada, or for real money and see for yourself.
This American Roulette online real money system is a 90% short-game winner, but be careful because that one 10% chance against you, could wipe out several hundred depending on your bet sizes.
Use this system to make a set hourly rate or just to quick-hit and go on to your next game. Don’t bank on this working ALL DAY long.
NEW SUBSCRIBERS, please hit that Red Button and turn on notifications to get more great videos like this, and BIG SHOUT OUT to all my Original Fam subs and new fam that’s arrived, lately.
Welcome to the Brunson FX Gaming (BFX Gaming) channel where we show you proven techniques, betting strategies, and Fast In, Fast Out systems for beating online poker and various games of risk at casinos, both online and physically.
DISCLAIMER: All videos, and how-to betting information, are for informational and entertainment purposes only. Results are not guaranteed. We educate you on how to win at various casino games, using Fast In, Fast Out strategies, designed for a quick ROI, and then stop the game, and we show you how they work using unspecific locations similar to sites like 1xbet on VPN, MyBookie.AG, 5Dimes, Sugarhouse, and Rivers Casino.
DISCLAIMER: Gamble at your own risk. Seek help if you have a problem, and remember to practice the systems and strategies we teach you, to determine what works for you, then add those to your arsenal of strategies for winning.
DISCLAIMER: We are NOT open to meeting any players in person, doing any kind of business deal with shared profits, or coaching in private sessions. On YouTube, we publish content for consumers who want education on ways to win at various games, and are not selling it to you in advance, nor do we demand donations or other sales.
DISCLAIMER: The only site connected to this channel is where players may go to buy real-money betting systems and strategies, similar to the ones we teach here for F.REE and be a part of a community of positive-minded players, however, you are not under any duress to go there, nor are we forcing you to be here, so please watch the videos at your own risk, and enjoy. Thanks!
Disclaimer: I do claim the flow at the beginning of this video, it’s just an intro and a new way of expression I’m testing out, just to keep things interesting on the channel. The beat is a sample beat from and I do not claim the rights to the music.
Source: YouTube
![[[The Hattrick]] Real Money American Roulette Strategy – A Pre-Mother’s Day Special For $366!](
I use this progression for this strategy: 1-1-1-2-2-3-4-6-8-11-16-22-30 units per number.
I wish all the best to your betting.
Hmmmm interested
Your one away are you broke yet
European roulette has the better odds, single zero tables like sharkroulette
Cigarette drag at 8:58
Thks for the video. I fd this system last year online & love it.
I added my own twist & have been pretty successful with it. On an app gm on my phone. Done some live & a little ahead.
My twist is that i try to wait for 5 no hit spins. This sounds easy but as you know trying to go 5 spins & not hitting a hat trick# can be diff.
I wait for 5 & then jump in. Usually hit within the first 3 spins. Win!!
Another twist i added which is a personal choice cause i hate them & that is to cover the dang "0"
They always seem to bust me, but in my hat trick with them covered i have won a lot. Just my twist on a cool system. Long live the hat tricks!!
Sorry I tried your system on American Roulette online at different times and hit 12 out of sixty spins were wins. Lost $140. I think it may work better live but as for online it doesn't.
Yes this works I was playing it on bovada they accept us clients
Spit numbers 00 3/2 5/0 1/9 12/8 11/7 10/13 16/17 20/23 26/put chips on 4 and 6by them self and see how things work out