Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:
Roulette win tricks with 10-20-40 bets system
This is the best roulette Winning system is played ever. The system works well in online Roulette as well as live casino games. Predicting the next number is impossible in Roulette but we can put our bet in such places that it will hit at least once in every 5-6 spin.
This tricks ensure quick Profit with minimum risk. It gives you good return while protecting your bankroll. It’s efficiency increases in online Roulette then live roulette. The simplicity of this strategy is easy to execute in online Roulette you nend to put all your bet in quick time you can’t manage 8-10 place in 15 second so this system allows you to put just 2 bet and also it ensure your win as it covers 12 numbers out of 37 from the table.
Just play with this trick and enjoy the profit.
The trick is
1- select 2 random lines
2- place 10 Dollars bets at both the places
3- if loose Select another 2 lines and placed 20 dollars at both places.
4- if loose again place 40 dollars.
5- after a win go back to the initial 10 Dollars bets
6- don’t follow the loss after 40 dollars bets.
7- start from the begining.
8- set a small target and stop after reaching the target.
Good luck…
Keep playing Roulette and keep Winning
Credit: Roulette Royale Casino
Source: YouTube

How can anyone follow this bloke? He’ll suck you in with his random wins and losses and edit his videos, that will amazingly show massive winning streaks to the amusement of the crowd. Hope the online casinos are looking after you well, so that the poor punters will be roped into believing this rubbish.
All these people who come up with winning systems….are they now multimillionaire..or they now own a casino..
When are you going to do a live session with real money?
It is called B's strategy
Konyol ga ada judi orang kaya
very cool. watch our videos let us know what you think
I ok i lose oh ok and i lose again mhmm i lose again and then finaly ok ok i win shorty after ok i lose again hahahahha how can thia be good stratergy. I good stratergy must take you fron 100 euro to 1000. If you lose5 time you already lost everything. Making money with 40000 is easyer
so so..