Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:
5+3 Roulette winning tricks…
This is the best roulette Winning system is played ever. The system works well in online Roulette as well as live casino games. Predicting the next number is impossible in Roulette but we can put our bet in such places that it will hit at least once in every 5-6 spin.
This tricks ensure quick Profit with minimum risk. It gives you good return while protecting your bankroll. It’s efficiency increases in online Roulette then live roulette. The simplicity of this strategy is easy to execute in online Roulette you nend to put all your bet in quick time you can’t manage 8-10 place in 15 second so this system allows you to put just 1 bet and also it ensure your win as it covers 12 numbers out of 37 from the table.
Just play with this trick and enjoy the profit.
Keep playing Roulette and keep Winning
Source: YouTube

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how stupid do you have to be to teach a strategy for roulette and not even know the difference between 1/4 and 1/4? how can I take you seriously?
Guys Watch my roulette winning video. Like, share,comment if you like my video. Thanks.
Haz un video diciendo que si cada uno de tus subscriptores pone 5 euros, yo estoy dispuesto a darte el unico secreto que tengo para ganar a la ruleta 100% demostrable.
Si consigues que todos me envien 5 euros a mi cuenta paypal, skrill, neteller… revelare mi secreto a todos tus subscriptores.
Una vez este entregado 5 euros de cada uno de los 24100 subscriptores, en mi canal abrire los videos con las explicaciones del mayor secreto para ganar a cualquier ruleta para que todos los que hayan aportado 5 euros puedan apreder y ganar, pero hay que mantenerlo en secreto eh!
Es tan dificil que lo consigas… por eso te lo propongo amigo, porque no podras conseguirlo y por lo tanto sera muy dificil que obtengais la unica forma de ganar de verdad!
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I just tried a modified version and it works really well.
I started with $5 on a dozen and $5 on column.
Increasing in increments of $5
It has a couple of advantages
1. If only one position hits on the 1st roll you're $5 in profit….then just reset
2. It's possible both positions hit then it pays quite well
Disadvantages., ….
1. Requires a larger bankroll
1. Requires larger kahunas lol
Now it gets a bit confusing keeping track of increments when you're into the higher stages and you have one loser and one.winner…..for that reason I would just average the required position amount over the 2 bets.
Just take note of your account balance when you reset and reset again once you're in profit OR BREAK EVEN
I know some may think it sound pointless to merely break even, but it's just a matter of risk management…..the less you have on the table the less you can potentially lose…….so having $10 on the table offers your account much greater protection from loss.
In fact, even resetting with a $5 loss is advisable because it reduces risk exponentially and it's quite likely you'll recoup that $5 loss on then next spin with only $10 on the table.
And say for eg, you worked your way 2 x $80 bets, u get a win, but your balance is minus $10……it wise to reduce your position size / risk. You only.need $10 to break even so I would reduce your position size down from 2 x $80 to 2 x $10
Best to have as little money on the table as possible to obtain a positive balance.
In cases when you win, but are still.not in profit, don't increase, just re-bet
Only increase when you have a double loss (when both positions lose)
The most important part of the strategy is to take note and remember your account balance after each reset…..otherwise you won't know when it's time to reset back to 2 x $5
Thanks for the vid…..great technique
Such a hopeless channel
your method is pure rubbish. Don't you see?