Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:
►You have never seen this before! A betting plan for roulette and baccarat, that produces great results. Every unit you win, stays won! It’s the perfect method if you only have a small bankroll and want to put up the best possible fight to win some serious profits. This system is great for a larger unit size. where you want to have the best chances of winning 10 units. It is also good if you only have a small bankroll and want to be able to put up the best possible fight to win some profits. A campaign can also be created with multiple banks of 36 units and increased unit size for recovery.
►Free Probabilities Calculator:
►Best Roulette Videos Ever, Anywhere!➜
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No links are transaction links.
Roulette is a game of Luck. Your Results May Vary and you are more likely to Lose than Win.
Out videos are for entertainment and education ONLY.
Source: YouTube

Hi Mr R.Man your strategies very practically for Table Roulettes playing while I would preferred the Lives with the machine’s.Why? Because l don’t have spent long hours to reaches my targets where l had tested several times.Within 1-2 hrs if the strategies workings 3-5 k $$$ touches my targets easily .I’ll gets out the Casinos.But after l won continuing for 3 days the Roulettes turned into Bias as l realised why suddenly a Casino’s staff approached me for upgrading from silver to Gold memberships.That’s why l needed to stop playing temporarily n using another strategies later on.
Just replacing martingale to fibo numbers and added some redundant BS stop loss, same, oppo… sneaky way to waste other’s time to get viewership
genial – danke
It’s called the martingale system.
Remote control all are roulette game,so every roulette dealer cheating with players
I know this is an older video but if by chance you are still here….
Trying to decipher your same opposite thing is a bit unclear to me… becacues you seem to change colors out of sequence…. Maybe I'm just thick but I would really appreciate you clarifying this for me.
Can’t wait to try it
I like this strat. It keeps the bankroll down which is always the downfall in roulette. It also allows for another unique betting opportunity. The opportunity is to find a dozen or column that has not hit for 10+ spins. That is a must bet dozen or column because it will win in the next five spins. I sometimes start at 8 spins missed this is more risky.
System works better in baccarat, with some adjustment for when to switch from SAME to OPPOSITE and vice versa.With this improvement I didn't have more than TWO losses in the row with dozens of different shoes.P.S. Betting should start in the beginning of the shoe!
Can some one explain this 3 sets of 12 = 36 ???