Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:
This YouTube video is a gambling demonstration of the best winning roulette strategy. It’s considered the best roulette strategy ever. It’s a roulette strategy that works and it’s the best roulette system. Best roulette strategy 2021. It’s the best roulette strategy in the world. It’s a winning roulette strategy that works in a casino and online.
Welcome to MAKESHIFT SHOWS YouTube Channel. WE SPECIALIZE in helping you win more money than ever. Be sure to Subscribe and ring that bell. We have Roulette strategies that win. Please remember that this channel only demonstrates bet strategies and there is nothing contained herein that constitutes a guarantee of winning. This YouTube channel maintains no responsibility of money lost while gambling with these strategies. this channel is for educational purposes only.
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Have you ever wanted to make money playing roulette? Today’s your lucky day. We deliver the best roulette strategy ever.
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Source: YouTube

Yes this is the Romanosky roulette strategy. It's one of the oldest roulette strategies.
The bets should be three units on any two dozens. Doesnt have to be second and third dozen.
Then the other dozen gets one unit on any two of the 4 corners.
It's an 86% coverage of numbers.
my fav is just play rbrbrb if this did not work just ho for rrbbrrbb ..but my best chocice is just simple follow the delear if it hit red then just place your bet on red until you loose
Love your channel and videos. I did some Star Wars themed strategies for fun and made a short video on here. Can't wait for your next video.
This is for all especially those whom are lost, call (83.3) 678-7884 /83.ForT-ruth
You need JESUS. Pray to HIM, HE loves you.
When you die as we ALL will soon. 99.9 sooner than they think 🤔 will kneel before JESUS. Romans 10:5/10. The One and only true Son of GOD Almighty, all others are false..we are all sinners and need JESUS. JESUS was crucified on the cross at Calvary and then on the third day rose again, for you and I (John 3:16). So, Choose this day whom you'll serve. For if you don't it will be chosen for you and that is HELL
Arguing with me is silly at best. Bc I'm just the messenger…
Please call …
What simulator are you using
Hi Just Randy! I've been enjoying your videos.
Would you be willing to try a dollar each on the corners:
And $2 on the 1st column as insurance?
For each spin you either win $3, lose $6 or break even.
Hello There
I have a great permutation for you to try. Read it in a book years ago. It's called Chinese Roulette and goes Red Even Low, Black Odd High. Bet Red, if it wins, bet Even. If it loses bet Odd. If Odd wins bet High, loses bet Low. Just go from one to the other, whichever bet wins. I start by following the last number. If it's High, I start with Black. If Low, I start with Red. I have a bet sequence made for the Even bets, and take a break after winning 10-20 units. It's as good as any other permutation! Mike G