Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:
In this video I’m testing the “MASTERPIECE” Roulette strategy. This can be a good one to win and beat the roulette game, but, of course, the player needs a bit of luck, as most bets are placed on the first dozen. So, now a bit of luck is needed for the player to get some winning numbers as many as possible, but as you probably know, nothing is previsible on roulette, and a bad serie of numbers can always happen, like a good one as well…
Source: YouTube
What the love
Tu parles peut-être mal anglais mais toi au moins tu sest parler ^^
What if I tell that you will lose all with any strategy in long term
There is now way to beat the rng rng is save your strategy when you bet longer same strategy rng fight back
how did you determine which number has to have 2 dollars other than 1 dollar?
Software casino games are not truly random – they use pseudo random number generators and I suspect they have some kind of AI programmed in – Ive noticed with my tests that when I change coverage so does the failure output range change – not imaging I have tested this intensively with data trend analysis. I suggest for true random games play LIVE roulette at a casino!!