Roulette Winning Strategy

Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:

As promised, here is the explanation of my game play or call it roulette winning strategy, like I said many times, I have very basic skills making these videos. I learned from YouTube and manage to put together this tutorial, if its not very good quality or something you was looking for then accept my apology. I know some viewers have requested it to be in different languages but in given time, I couldn’t put together multi language tutorial, please send me an email and mentioned which language you want this to be and I’ll send you its transcript in your language, you can email me on:

Source: YouTube

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Roulette Winning Strategy

10 thoughts on “Roulette Winning Strategy

  1. Thanks for sharing this gem. Could your please explain bit more for Strategy#1 – 5 Category strategy. I am kind of lost in this one. Or if possible to make a separate video for this strategy 🙂

    Thanks again for the good work !!

  2. so i was studying this last night and started to play auto roulette , i kept seeing a pattern and i used the clockwise counter clockwise strategy and that got me from $5 to $135 in 4-5 spins .

  3. Thanks for sharing your strategy , but I'm confused about 2nd neighbour strategy please explain and upload detailed video,l🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. Здравствуйте уважаемый Lost Gambler! Я посмотрел Ваше видео инструкцию по Вашей уникальной стратегий. Однако я не понял как Вы определяете противоположный номер! То есть я думаю так как Ваш друг например число 7 противоположное ему число 4. В вашем видео Вы показывайте что номер 15- ему противоположные числа это 24. Или число 26- и противоположное число ему равно 10. Я не понял как Вы это видите! Возможно Вы подумаете что я глуп.) Однако буду очень Вам признателен если Вы распишите числа от 1-36 и им противоположные.


    2 -?




    Буду ждать ответа! Буду рад если Вы ответите думаю это дополнит Вашу инструкцию! Мое почтенье С уважением!

  5. I speak Arabic, can you send the strategy in Arabic? I contacted you by e-mail and there is no response

  6. Thanks for the detailed video mate, I understand the opposites and the neighbours next to the numbers but when to the finales come in to play ? And do you put ur big money on numbers next to the second numbers neighbour?

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