Learn Texas Holdem Video Source & Info:
I this video I briefly cover the benefits of using Holdem Indicator as well as the pros and cons of playing on Bovada Poker.
To learn more about Bovada, read my detailed review at https://automaticpoker.com/ignition-poker-review/
Bovada is a very soft poker site that is very attractive for both professional players and recreational players. The overall quality of play is much lower on this sites than any other site I have played on. Since it’s a gambling website, there are tons of sports bettors who like to play poker on the side recreationally. And while there is no rakeback, the higher win-rate you will obtain will more than make up for that fact.
You can only play a maximum of 4 cash game tables at once, but this is a good thing because it stops mass mult-tablers from taking potential seats from fish. That was one of the most annoying things about playing on Pokerstars, is that you would have the same 3-4 guys on every table.
Another nice feature on Bovada is the anonymous tables. When you sit down, you are assigned a number, and except for the session stats, no one can get a long term read on you. This prohibits players from using holdem manager or pokertracker to get a bead on you through data mined hands.
The cool thing is that you can still use Holdem indicator to track session stats. It is not that hard to get a reasonable read on another player after an orbit or two. The HUD allows you to quickly spot the very weak players, or fish, as well as the strong players who have obviously tag or lag stats.
So if you are looking for a place to play, that has nice software and a low number of pros… then Bovada Poker is a good place for you to try. I started with $400 about 3 weeks ago and currently have $950 in my account, and average only 1 hour of play a day. My win-rate so far is about 15bb/100 at 25NL and 50NL. I hope you have similar or better results!
Be sure to comment and subscribe. I would also love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for future videos. You can reach me at jim@automaticpoker.com.
If you are interested in learning more about how short stacking can speed along the learning process in cash games, be sure to pick up my book or e-book at https://automaticpoker.com/cash-game-poker-book/
Thanks for watching!
Source: YouTube

I would be hard pressed to think it's possible for a site to have more fish than Bovada. The games are ridiculously loose-passive through 200NL from what I've seen. 50NL plays like 5NL on Pokerstars… if not worse.
how can i get 4 tables on screen like that please respond
I just want to track my own hands. Does HI have graphs and stuff like heldem manager?
I was so relieved when you said this only tracks hands in the current session. Anywho, do you know if there is some way you can track recent overall stats on Bovada? I was playing a SNG one day and some guy kept needling me but he also accurately told me my previous results on my last 5 sessions. When I called Bovada they said its impossible to do this…
Whats the point if it only tracks the hands for the session. No point using it easy to spot fish regardless if tracked or not.
Very nice review.Â
is there a difference between the free trial and what you are using? because I downloaded the free trial for Mac and there aren't as many features as you show here.
Good video, thanks!
playing bovada poker is exciting, especially with good software. there are a lot good programs but I prefer bovada card catcher. It's not free but that's not a problem, I think.
How do you get the background screen to be black?
Hi there, been a while since you did a new video. Plan to do more soon maybe??