Famous Poker Player Gets Absolutely Punished In Massive All In Pot Against Me!! Poker Vlog Ep 171

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Source: YouTube

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Famous Poker Player Gets Absolutely Punished In Massive All In Pot Against Me!! Poker Vlog Ep 171

10 thoughts on “Famous Poker Player Gets Absolutely Punished In Massive All In Pot Against Me!! Poker Vlog Ep 171

  1. Wait, if Spraggy lives in Vegas, how can he play on PS? I've played on the same table with him maybe 2-3 times I would've remembered if it said United States when I hovered my mouse on his name. It's just I've never encountered any players from the US at all. Can someone shine a light on this?

  2. One thing I have noticed is that when u have a pocket pair u hold ur cards to the camera for an extra split second…and obviously we don’t see all the folded hands but someone might pick up on it in a bigger game. Love the content…not trying to be a troll

  3. The funny part is compared to his old sanitized Pokerstars streams, he's a much more honest and open in person.

  4. you got owned, he didn't have Queens.. he was open ended at best. Don't make a rookie mistake. you know better than to ever believe a poker player.

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