Learn Texas Holdem Video Source & Info:
Lynn Gilmartin brings you up to speed on the basics you will need to understand to play No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em. After you watch this guide be sure to check out our strategy section to improve your skills. http://www.pokernews.com/strategy/
Source: YouTube

Thank god she told me the dealer shuffles the cards I thought the guy next to me was gonna get my cards next round
at 1:02 did she lose her accent? #dipiditymovie
Having the dealer Judys rotate allows for an even spread of positions at the table.
That's not a knife….
I discovered a great collection of videos that may help on Card Crusher Fixer
You're losing your accent Lyn
For some reason i forgot about poker and just jerked off?
Learn-this Poker Game-Well&You-Too!-Will Win 9 Pots-In The Casino's Poker Rooms! Just Have the Nuts&You'll Win-The Whole Pot-It's as Simple as That!-Raymond "Mike" Hong of Oakland, CA&UC Berkeley's Caldining Employee!
Who is she? I purposely wrote that to start the conversation even though I can google her.
In * * SUITS * * ALL IS THE SAME TILL 1:16 / There is no blinds in * * SUITS * * every player put in a ante that is agreed on at start of game / In * * SUITS * * Each player is dealt three cards ( the three in the hand ) from which each player is trying for the most of one suit, SUITS are in order of strength HEARTS, SPADES, DIAMONDS AND CLUBS 2D 1H is stronger then 2C 1H , The three hand cards are dealt face down to each player, / After assessing the strength the first round of betting takes place, Dealer is the last to act and can't be raise / In * * SUITS * * the next three cards are dealt four different ways on a four hand rotation, FACE UP, COMMUNITY, FACED OWN and OPEN HAND / The first to act is the player left of dealer, this player can check, raise fold, if the next player raise then all other players see raise or fold, when it get to Dealer THEY make the last move, see any raise and ends the round of betting OR may make the last raise of round. / In * * SUITS * * the player will need to play to the way the hand is dealt as much as to the other players actions, In FACE UP the dealer deals One card face up in front of each player ( even if the player folds ) all see the table but the card in front of you is yours only, then the second round of betting take place. The dealer deals the second table card followed by the third round of betting, then the third table card followed by the final round of betting. ( the three on the table ) / After all betting is done the player with the best six card hand wins ( player 1 has 5D 6D 7D that are active cards the second player has 4C QC AC 4H 8H KH HOW WINS / After ever hand all players show their active cards only. ( ex. 5D 6D 7D are active the 2C 6S QH are inactive ) got question player one has a RUNNING DIAMOND TRIANGLE player two has a CLUB – HEART PARTY PACK party pack wins. / Now that is one of the four ways it is dealt. WISH TO KNOW MORE reply and ask me