How to Play Texas Holdem Poker : Texas Holdem Against a Loose Player

Learn Texas Holdem Video Source & Info:

Learn how to play Texas Holdem poker today! Professional rules for Texas Holdem and how to read loose players from an expert poker player in this free online video series.

Expert: Reg Brittain
Bio: Reg Brittain has benefited from the poker boom of recent years. In 2006, Brittain won $25,000 on Fox Sports Network’s Poker Dome Challenge.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

Source: YouTube

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How to Play Texas Holdem Poker : Texas Holdem Against a Loose Player

4 thoughts on “How to Play Texas Holdem Poker : Texas Holdem Against a Loose Player

  1. 73??? i'm sorry, but i play fairly loose. and i would never raise with 73…i'm trying to keep an open mind about your videos, but your tips are garbage

  2. What the hell does this video actually say? Their level? Then they will beat you? How, why? Explain bad. What should the betting stratergy be then?

  3. oh no!!! this guy again….. " lets look at this scenario, I don't know what i'm talking about…oh….What? I really don't ? oh yeah" what a dip bad

  4. All of your videos cut off.. I've watched like 7 of them just to see if any have an ending. And to laugh.. not very informative honestly.

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