Java How-To : Texas Holdem Hands

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Java How-To : Texas Holdem Hands

1 thought on “Java How-To : Texas Holdem Hands

  1. Great job on these, I'm still trying to digest it all. I am curious if you have considered what it would take to modify all this for use in "Short Deck", or "6+" poker. It cause some interesting issues to take out the 2's, 3's, 4's, and 5's from the deck.
    The issues I'm trying to wrap my head around:
    o The "Wheel" is now A6789
    o Flushes are less frequent than full houses, so are ranked higher
    o Straights are also much more likely, and some places rank sets higher than straights. Especially in 6+ Hold 'em, where it's very easy to make a straight from seven cards

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