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Why would you call turn to fold river when flop checks
Weird fold. I thought it was a straightforward call. Then again I wasn’t there.
This is actually a really weird spot because of the action that happened before. Villain doesn't have a pair of aces because it would be the height of ambitious to check through on the flop if you only had top pair against three opponents and a straight draw on the board feat. two face cards. You also wouldn't expect a set of 2s because it's hard to think they'd open with that rather than call for the cheap set mine, or opportunity to fold without losing much if it's raised preflop.
However, pocket aces, jacks, queens or AQ are actually all possible, because they weren't forced to call or raise a 3-bet preflop to narrow down their hand strength. Aces, queens and AQ are strong enough that they might check the flop for deception; jacks are an underpair so likely wouldn't bet into three other players who could easily be ahead. QJ would be possible too.
While it's not actually a clear cut decision on the river – the play to that point has kept both stronger and weaker holdings as realistic possibilities – I think it's slightly in the favour of a call, given the relatively small asking price on the river (160 to win 500), and there not being too many hands in their range that would beat you, compared to the ones that are losing or are complete air (besides Qx and Jx there are missed flush and straight draws).
But it's deeeefinitely not clear cut, and without looking at the maths I wouldn't say folding was wrong. Really interesting hand!
You called 100 but then couldn’t call a small bet on the river? The line he took was exactly to what he was holding
Terrible fold
Good fold, he's usually gonna have an ace there
Would have re raise the 100 to 200 and scoop the pot. If he called gotta slow down.