Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Since we missed Saturday (hey, we gotta rest from time to time, you know?) we’re going hard on Sunday. Let’s get in the 5/10 no limit poker games at Bellagio. Last day of the first weekend of March Madness in Las Vegas.
We’ll either be cheersing a victory or drowning our sorrows at a nice bar afterwards.
Music by Julian Avila: https://soundcloud.com/julian_avila
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewneeme
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yayandrew/
Get in touch the old school way:
Andrew Neeme
201 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89125-1547
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Source: YouTube

Ok I am a retired US Military man and have been involved in poker since 1991 the year I graduated HS. I was a home game rounder for many years. Over the last 8 years I have been playing the casinos and loving it. I must admit Andrew this is the first blog I have absolutely loved. I get a great education and am very entertained. Your hand break downs and insight to the game is refreshing. Good to see you running good over the weekend. Keep up the great work. From all of us guys in my home game poker group…..This blog rocks……Take care….Your fan ….Shawn…..
Anyone else put the last guy on pocket jacks before he revealed?
I'm still trying to find the song from 10:50…
What is the drink at 8:14
"I'm never by myself" that sounded like voldemort HP1
12:40 You were doing so well until this time when you held your mic too close to your mouth and every plosive sound you made (any sound with a "p") made your mic clip causing that harsh static sound with every other word. Either hold it about 4 inches farther, or hold above or below or to the side of it's current postion to avoid the plosives causing mic clipping due to the rush of air crashing directly into your mic. Other than that, it was another great video with great content and it was well-edited. Can't wait to for more "Jetta Hands" lol!
"Rather powerful cards, I might say." Should definitely make this into a tee!
You can get a lapel mic for your phone so you can get even hight quality audio. It looks a little more legit too so you won't feel as weird talking to the camera.
What are your thoughts on a $400 river bet on the Q 10 hand? That was my initial thought, but I'm not sure if my thinking is correct. Basically, in my mind there's not much we can get value from on that board texture from a thinking player, but I'm really hoping for a crying call with the weaker end of his range.
Loved ur video