Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
There is a new trend in live poker: The Big Blind Ante. It speeds up play so you get more hands per level, which is great, but many people feel uncomfortable about the change in structure!
In this video, I will answer all of your questions on the topic and show you when and when not to adjust your strategy!
Let me know if you have any questions!
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Source: YouTube

Thanks Jonathan! I've shared this on our website and our facebook group page. There has been much controversy about strategy for BB Ante tournaments. As always enjoy your videos, see you at The Rio this summer!
one observation I've had on the BB anti is that it is great for short stack poker since you only put money in the pot twice per orbit… so you can be a bit more patient to get it in with your short stack
Great to have this answered. We've been playing big blind Antes for several months at our local casino.
I will be starting your coaching soon and look forward to revving up my game. Thanks again.
Most players and dealers seem to enjoy the BB ante structure, including myself. I usually play at Foxwoods, which has been using it for a while, but when MGM started tournaments, they were using the old structure. Players were quick to request a change and they made it. It speeds up the game considerably, esp on what would have been the 75 ante levels, where the dealer has to make change every hand.
My card room near San Diego recently tried a Button Ante. It probably makes little or no difference compared to a Big Blind Ante but I liked the Button Ante better.
I don't get the thing of leaving 1bb behind. If somebody calls your "almost shove", you still have to check check flop, turn and river since it's not a showdown. I think it will be pretty normal that villain will reraise you for 1 more bb even preflop, since having action in the 3 streets will be kinda awkward.
In my case,if somebody shoves me for let's say 9bb leaving 1bb and I'm gonna call him, I will raise him unless there's more people waiting to act. If it's HU, I would put him all in in the flop. I play 100-200e buy ins, don't know if in higher stakes people would check-check the 3 streets in this case tho
I love the big blind ante. Your thesis is incorrect. The math changes on a rack attack on what hands are profitable vs saying which hands are more profitable playing heads up.
One reason why I like the bb ante is because the antes are wayyyy bigger when there are like 4 left in the tournament or heads up in the tournament.
I've wanted bb ante in live tournaments since they had it in the PAD cash game on t.v.
Makes so much sense for live poker.
As a poker dealer myself, this is a needed change
It's a sunk cost