Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Playing poker is a lot less fun when you suck at it. That’s why we’ve put together an easy-to-follow crash course for beginner poker players to get in the game and skip the sucking.
For more free poker strategy go to http://www.pokerlistings.com/
The third lesson is how to count your outs. One really important thing to get into the habit of when you’re playing poker is counting your outs.
Outs refer to the cards you need to hit to improve to the winning hand, and counting them the first step in figuring out basic poker odds. Accurately counting outs can betricky since you have to be able to put your opponent on some sort of hand, but in a lot of cases it’s really easy.
If you have 2-3 suited and flop a flush draw, for example, chances are you’re going to have to improve to win the hand. So how many cards are there left in the deck that will complete your flush? The good news is that if you put in some work counting your outs now it’ll became second-nature really quickly.
Even more good news, once you know how many outs you have, there’s a really easy trick to figure out the odds of hitting one of them.
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Source: YouTube

I understand the importance of outs, but if there are nine players at a table and six people fold that's twelve cards that I do not see ,seems that would not allow a very good estimate of odds percentages.
Gotta give KUDOs on well constructed video…and the opening disclaimer "A Beginning Poker Strategy Series". Counting "outs" and translating it into actual odds is fundamental to basic strategy. I will be interested to see how you articulate higher-Level strategy going forward.
In blackjack you can make assumptions about the deck being rich or poor in tens, but those unaccounted cards in the back of the shoe can wipe out a bankroll. I suppose that is why the best poker players can get crushed as well.
Yes the odds of the flush may be 36% but the RNG doesn't understand odds,it's more like 10% online.
so, now we have the percentage… what percentage makes it worth calling?
loveing piece of bad stop giving this info out…i figured out this trick by myself and now u giving it out to everyone :/
He just explained it simple the rule of 4 an 2
In your first video, I thought we were supposed to fold the examples you just showed in this video since we can't raise with them
Any one else get the batman vibe from that opening lol