Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Actually this is not the Heads Up poker match – It is the ending sequence of the tournament, but some of the rules (not all) apply. Heads up Texas Holdem is one of the most fun, challenging and misunderstood variations of holdem. I don’t get too many heads up poker hands and this one is actually also from MTT poker tournament. My reader Fabian finds himself in a though position, check it out what happens in today’s Hello Alec. Does he have the nuts? How would you play this hand?
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Source: YouTube

Pretty much a cooler heads up, imo. However you should never ever be shoving that river. With a LAG calling the river is the right play, imo.
I would raise the turn and get all the money in there. Only thing beating you is Ax of spade, 107s, Q10s. Now there are a lot of hands that he's calling with that he still has equity, any combo's of two pair, a straight, a set, a naked As. You have a straight with the Ks. If he has J9 is he calling your river bet if the 10s comes? Raise the turn to get value from your hand where he still has equity.
On the river I wouldn't raise because too many hands beats you. If you call you will have about 35 BBs heads-up which is enough to work with.
My experience in heads up is very limited, but I hate the river shove. Rest of the hand seems fine. What do you think Alec?
The more I think about it the more I like a turn raise. This board is super duper scary and we just hit the best card ever. Despite him being laggy, his range really is weighted towards 2 pair/Ax (often with As)/Qx/sets. With a hand this strong in heads up I'm really thinking about how I can get stacks in on most river cards, or at least putting in as much money as possible when we're most likely way ahead. Which is super hard to do if we flat here cause stacks are so deep and there are so many scary river cards.
I would raise around $14.5-15.5k. If he has Qx and a spade comes we could lose a whole ton action and value, if he has sets/2 pair its the same deal, except we also want to make him pay to see whether the board pairs, same thing with Asxx (especially if he has a pair with his As, we might even be able to get all in OTT with around 85% equity). If he shoves turn it's obviously a snap call, there's so many combos that we're totally crushing. If he flopped a flush gg
I'd prefer a raise on the turn, but understand the call. Once you get the river, yeah, it's a hero call, followed by "nh." Your flush got there, but also a bunch of hands that beat you.
I think that this read is largely player dependent. However, you have some bad logic here. First off, after he 3bets preflop and cbets the flop, he would definitely not check raise with value hands – he would keep barreling. Also, he would definitely not bet the river with any pair – that doesn't make sense. In fact, you lose to a lot of hands here, a straight flush, nut flush, or a turned 2 pair or set. I like a river fold.
"Didn't think he had 2 pair cus he would check-raise the turn" Whaat on 98JT why the hell would he check-raise with 2 pair… surely he would check-call? And the turn has to be a check-raise and call if he shoves whilst its likely you have the best hand and he's drawing, if not you can still draw to the King flush if he's made a lower flush then King. Raising the river is just crazyy
I actually think folding is quite defensible here. It would've be far more useful to know what villain does with sets and JT on that turn card, versus what he does with flopped pairs. If he's checking these and continuing with air (or in the case of what he showed, a flopped pair that was essentially air by the turn), then he's not going to have a ton of value hands and you should call. Shoving is by far the worst option; call and you still have some stack.
just a call on river your losing to any full house and of course the ace of spades
I think, Fabian failed to properly read the board on the river. There were 4 flush cards to a straight. So not only was he losing to boats, quads and the A high flush. He was also losing to Qs and 7s. So what worse hands could Villain really have for value? We are talking 6s and down, which just seem completely crazy. So yes the river is actually a clear fold. I think, there was a bit of entitlement tilt involved here, because Heros hand was much stronger on the turn. Should we raise the turn? Yeaaaaaah maybe. Its tough because we only have the 2. best hand with the 3 spades already on board, and the board has 4-straighted. But sets could still call to redraw, and MAYBE Villain could find a call with a Q for the 2. best straight, particularly if it had a big spade in it.