Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
🎟 TO PLAY ONLINE POKER: https://bit.ly/MarianoPoker
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Hey! My name is Mariano, and this channel is about poker & travel.
Enjoy the content and subscribe for more!
⏪ PREVIOUS VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m94dnGD7mbM&t=439s
📺 OTHER VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/MarianoPoker
🌐 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kingargentina/
📫 E-MAIL: marianograndolipoker@gmail.com
Source: YouTube

10 6 2 not good board for raiser
I have to admit I loved your blog among all others ❤
Andrew filding 55, horrible fold. Real bad.
Please stop saying its ok too give pots too good guys! You need go drive a truck or do construction,then come back. Realize you have a gift but must play hard all time.
Imagine buying in for 100k and then flying allegiant, haha
Maria!! Nooooooooo~~
Hopefully you didn’t pull a Rampage and take a middle seat on Allegiant back home.
The recaptures of all the streams is getting super stale , fresh vlogs would be nice
I love the facial expressions and body contortion at the outset of playing the 10s. 😄
Yes, please do an old school vlog! Yours were probably the best around and I miss that format with all the streaming lately.