Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Another tough decision with a Full House. Is it a trap? How do you play this hand? What is your move on the river?
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Source: YouTube

Hard to fold!! But you call flop and turn, so he knows that you have to ~75% a Queen. I would do a call, what I do not really like.
If you admit your hand is face up then the only thing your beating on the river is a bluff. Does an ABC player have a bluff at that point?
kk for sure no fear betttng of Q on board
i might 3 bet pre flop, with stack deep enough i will 3 bet the flop too , reraise his raise. when villain call or shove at flop i will be very careful i might even fold at flop if villain re reraise. if villain able to call down my reraise in the flop i will very likely think his hand is ahead of me. But is not easy to fold if villain bet small in turn and river. i kind of think your way of playing might be a better way then mine. you are able to induce lousy hand to have action against you, my style of playing might only allow hands ahead of me to call my raise and hands behind me would have fold. give me some comment on my feedback
this hand screams strength…ur opponent was taking full advantage of u having a queen hence check raising the flop…in early stages u wont 3 barrel bluff.also underestimating ur opponent was a big mistake I think.
I put him on exactly pocket kings. He was under the gun preflop and wanted someone to reraise him so he could 4 bet.
That's what makes min raises cool. You have no idea what's going on. Tough lay down for anybody.
So he checks the flop because it is hard for you to have caught a piece. When you bet and call the check raise he can assume you have a Q. After that he knows that it is hard for you to fold and he bets the right amount for value. It feels like AA or KK all the way down.
Being check raised generally means there stronger then u i put him on the hand he had or aces min raising to bet value first up after blinds to get rid of bad hands but also allowing hands like anything with an ace in it q ten ,j ten,king queen . On me fold after being check raised on flop.
I guessed kings on flop.