Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Video 1 of my series on how to beat 1/2 live poker cash games. This video series applies to players who are having trouble at $1/$2 NLHE live games, who may be losing players, break even players, or inexperienced players.
The videos are to give losing/inexperienced players a simple starting point, and hopefully help them grow as live cash game players. These videos are basically square one, where to start on the path to beating 1/2 live games and beyond.
I also offer coaching for losing/break even players who are struggling at the 1/2 and 1/3 levels! Visit my website https://detroitpoker.net/ or email inquiries to livepokerplayer8@gmail.com
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Source: YouTube

Like your videos but 815 is a small sample size
thank you brtother.
I'm a bit puzzled by your early position limp range. What's your reasoning behind excluding the other 3 suited broadway combos (AJs, ATs, KJs)?
I deal to this guy at mgm lol
Wait so if UTG2 gets AJs then it's a fold??
How come you recommend limping KTs in EP and not stronger hands that aren't in our opening range like KQs/KJs?
Great video. I really liked your hand ranges and solid advice. I ve played poker for years while incarcerated and a little at the casinos. Iam going to play at the tables this weekend
I've familiarized myself with several hand charts for opening ranges based on position. For some reason this video made it juts "click" for me better than any sheet i've looked at before. Thanks my dude!
Pardon my inexperience, why are the blinds considered early position? Don't you get to make the last bets pre-flop?
Thanks for the advice man! Really helped me out