Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
C-Betting like a champion requires some simple bluffing skills, and I go into depth on all of them in this guide with extra bluff examples: https://www.splitsuit.com/poker-bluffing-101
A concept video dedicated to one of the most common plays in Texas Hold’em; the continuation bet (cbet, c-bet).
This cbetting strategy video begins with a quick explanation of the c-bet and a discussion on how the cbet has evolved in online poker since 2007. Cbetting is no longer profitable by default, which means that understanding when (and when not) to cbet has become far more important than it once was.
To help you gain a better understanding of cbetting, SplitSuit starts by focusing on determining whether you’re either:
1. Cbetting for value.
2. Cbetting as a bluff.
Both of these classes for cbetting are then expanded upon in their own sections, each including multiple hand history examples to help reinforce the strategical differences between the two.
There is also a meaty section on the Flopzilla tool (starting at 13:52), which is perfect for gaining an insight in to how often different ranges hit different kinds of flops. It’s an invaluable program for helping with your cbet strategy. If you like the work with Flopzilla in this vid and want to see some more, watch Using Flopzilla: https://www.splitsuit.com/flopzilla
Recorded: 03 August 2011 …
Source: YouTube

Very helpful James! Would not want to be playing you haha
simple clear logic. I love this guy. Fish dont try to get better so they wont watch videos, hopefully =). Thanks so much for your videos they have really really helped me alot.
Great as usual! It would be cool to update / shorten the content of this video for 2018: C-betting in and out of position, against SB, BB, floating, in online 6-max…
hi,how much flopzilla now? I remember it is around $25, is it $15 now , this video is four years ago ,is it still useful now ?
What kind of Kx is in SB range? we block KQ and AK 3bets pre, does he call from SB with KJ? maybe, since you checked back he could pretty much rule out Kx in your range and be v-betting a tone of worse hand than Kx here, any 8, 77 etc
Good to know flush draws only hit 12% at best,If I hit a set I used to be terrified of them and bet out to “protect my hand” instead of check raising( which looks bluffy on a flush board anyway) .
Love this kind of analysis
Om the K 8 3 flop,I must be an guy fish cause i would def call a cbet there with jacks,nines,8x.According to equliab an 8x on that flop is 56% v a CO range,Thats before a bet though,the cbet range will be lower of course but there are planty bluffs in his cbet range here i think
You’re telling me someone who calls that flop Cbet at 32:45 with JJ…is an…”guy fish”…welp alrighty then lol
i cannot count the combos while i am on the table, how u count combos while playing so quickly? or do u count those combos when thinking about range while u playing( is it just memerizing off table or?)
Will flop zilla work on betonline or what can i use on