Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
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Something you should definitely check out:
The 4 Things You MUST Do Before a Poker Session!
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Cash Game Poker Strategy: Donβt Play Your Poker Hand: Do THIS Instead!
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Source: YouTube

Your rationale for playing this hand has NO basis in poker MATH! You're just giving your opinion — which like assholes everyone has one. You didn't mention pot equity one time.
Nice sweater
Hero has a gambling problem trying to justify that jam.
This video should be named "how not to play a flush draw in no limit holdem"
what the villain have ?
Hi great vid , music too loud for me lol
Please consider getting rid of the distracting background music.
Love u shirt alec as they say in the streets dope city
AK can have KJ dominated, but you're better off with 8-9 suited because it's less likely to be dominated? Let's see 10-8 J-8 Q-8 K-8 A-8 10-9 J-9 Q-9 K-9 A-9 8-8 99 10-10 J-J Q-Q K-K and A-A all dominate 8-9 suited….. that is 17 hands. Granted he probably isn't 3 betting some of those hands, but the possibility of being dominated is still far greater.
KJ is dominated by K-Q A-J A-K J-J Q-Q K-K and A-A…that's 7 hands.
I do agree that calling is the proper play, but currently on Jokerstars zoom, I'm just calling, and I'm on a run of 44 NUT flush draws, that all 44 have missed, good luck anyone ever topping that.
And to make it just a little worse, these 2 hands aren't counted in those 44, I've actually flopped the Ace high nut flush twice, and had my opponent bet into me both times, on the flop, and the turn, which both times I've shoved the turn, hoping he has a smaller flush, but instead one was a set, and the other 2 pair, and you guessed it, I lost both hands to the river suckout getting in at 4 to 1 and 9 to 1 respectively.