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Source: YouTube
![No Limit Hold’em Starting Hands – Everything Poker [Ep. 02] | PokerStars](https://www.casinovideos.site/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/59/no-limit-holdem-starting-hands-everything-poker-ep-02-pokerstars.jpg)
that J4 vs QQs is not a good example of why you should not play a bad hand.. it would be much better if its J4 vs JQ.. because even if he had AJ he still would have lost.
Low pocket pairs get me into the most trouble. I really don't know how to play them. Sometimes it's clear someone has a bigger pair starting hand, but i call preflop anyway. 99's, 77's, 22's 55's etc. Very dangerous hands for me. Of course taking a huge pot with Trip Deuces feels so good though. Playing those hands truly is a gamble though.
The hand where J4 went against QQ was kind of interesting though because if the BB had had AJ he may very well have lost even more.
Great vid, especially with negranu at the end, that was the best info of all
So much is luck. You can proper 3 bet, nail the villains range, bet for proper value, C bet, check, know blockers, how to bluff and still get screwed by bad flops, turns or rivers. So much luck involved n poker. I've seen too many crap players win $$ and they're not good players.
11:20 or something.
I would have called the BB with AJ. That's not necessarily a weak hand, but I'd get crushed there too.
Boy Wonder doesn't lose because his hand is bad. Not really. He got top pair on a pretty save board.
The one who did the analytics isn't all that good, I think. Or this is just a badty example.
But how do u figure those odds, 48%? Etc.
I flopped a full house when I decided to play 2-7off and I play it every time since.
Title should be "How to make sure us poker pros beat you amateurs with some level of consistency". Or maybe, "Phil Hellmuth goes nuclear when people don't play like this".
I only play suited pocket pairs