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5 tips for beginners to Texas Holdem Poker
You can’t be any good at a game if you don’t know the rules. That’s why there’s a section on Paul Phua’s poker site dedicated to learning the basics – the rules, ranking of hands, betting, some common terms that sound confusing to beginners. (https://www.paulphuapoker.com/texas-holdem/) But once you’ve done that, you are set to give playing Texas Holdem Poker a go. The problem with starting out at a game, is that you can get a bit down if you lose too much at the beginning. We don’t want that! So Paul’s give you 5 tips you can use in your game play from the first day you sit down at the table. Paul wants you to win hands from the word go! So here are some Paul Phua Poker tips to get you started.
Be reassured, there are some basic things you can do even as a beginner to Texas Holdem Poker to make sure you cut your losses and maximise your wins.
TIP 1: Don’t lose your cool during the poker game
The worst thing you can do in any sport is lose your cool. It makes you perform worse than you should – and you end up not enjoying it as much. Texas Holdem poker is no different from the rest. If you lose a few hands that you feel you shouldn’t have done, if things aren’t going your way, it’s natural to feel disappointed. But Paul says it’s vital to remember you should never lose your cool. If you do you will make bad decisions, and lose money when you should be winning. You’ll have lost your chips sooner than you know it.
TIP 2: Don’t play too many poker hands
Second, don’t play too many hands. Your instinct when you start out in the game is to play as many hands as you can – after all, it’s a new hobby and exciting to play. But Paul advises caution. You should learn when to sit hands out, especially if there are lots of players round the table where you chances of winning are smaller than if there are only 3 or 4 people playing.
TIP 3: Paul Phua advises you to be bold
Beginners’ natural instinct is to call or check – to spend as little money as possible to stay in the hand. Paul says that’s often the wrong decision. He thinks you should always look for an opportunity to raise rather than call. That scares people out of the hand, and gives you a greater chance of winning the pot. Be aggressive, not passive says Paul.
TIP 4: Be honest with yourself about your poker game
One thing that Paul Phua says improved his game the most is being honest with himself about his game. Did he play the last poker hand in the best way he could have done? He always questions himself, asking whether he could have done this and that differently.
TIP 5: Ask better poker players for advice
Another bit of advice: never stop learning, and stay humble about your own abilities. Never think you are a better player than you actually are. Paul has always studied the game, asked advice from the top players, And if you find you always lose rather than win in certain circumstances, find out why – don’t just accept it.
So, that’s a summary of the 5 Paul Phua Poker Tips that he thinks are the most useful for beginners to get them started. Watch the video to make sure you really absorb them into your poker game so they become second nature on poker night at home or at the casino, or when you play poker online.
5 tips for beginners to Texas Holdem Poker
Here are five tips I recommend for any beginner to Texas Holdem Poker.
One. Don’t tilt, or steam, when things aren’t going well, when you are losing hands you thought you were going to win. If you have one or two bad beats, try to maintain your composure. Don’t do things which you normally wouldn’t do.
For example, don’t go big on an average hand, or bluff three or four barrels after losing a big hand.
Keep calm, make good decisions.
My second tip.
Don’t play too many hands, especially in games with lots of players, when you have low value cards. Against tight players, players who don’t bluff too much. You need to learn when to sit hands out.
Always look for an opportunity to raise rather than call. If you are first to act, for example, you have the option to check or bet. If you are playing against an inexperienced player after the flop, and neither of you has good cards, if you bet first (rather than check), the other player is likely to fold and you will win the pot. The one who bets first usually takes down the pot.
Always ask yourself if you have played the hand you just played in the best way you could. This way you can improve. For example, I used to play more hands out of position than I do now, under the gun, to the left of the big blind. I asked myself why I was losing too many times in those circumstances. I changed my play as a result.
Source: YouTube

pretty solid tips
Thk u Paul. Chinese New Year just around d corner