Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Crush Live Poker Subscriber Andrew bluffs his opponent of his opponent off of top pair of aces. Bart deconstructs this bluff which started with Bart as the preflop raiser with JJ from the BB.
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Source: YouTube

Thats how I play QQ. check it down unless I make the nuts. loose the minimum. LOL
Never try that on the river at 1 2 , you will get called down almost every time lol
bart just gets better and better…great stuff, thanks =)
That's not an easy call. The nit slow plays his hand so he can't put Andrew on a range. There's a str8 to 1 card and flush to 2 cards. I've seen far far far worse folds. It was just a grt play by Andrew. Would've been interesting if Nit leads out for $1,000 acting like he caught the flush. I bet Andrew folds like a cheap tent with cat 4 winds in the Alps. Aggression pays!!
this game looks a little soft..how can people not bet such strong hands?
he checked was to fast
Bart, I quit my job and started playing professional 5 weeks ago. Hourly is a little over $50 and I’m getting a ton of volume in. I’m loving every minute of it. Analyzing my first 200 hours of play one hands stands out the most to me and it is KQ. This hand has literally just been the biggest thorn in my side. I open EP and get flatted by AQ. Queen High dry board has been killing me. I call an open with KQ and I’m just getting destroyed by AQ on queen High flops. I’m not having a huge problem with the king high flops cause a lot of ppl give their strength away w Ak and I’m able to get a better read. What are your thoughts on KQ? How do you play it ?
Solid bluff! Great video Bart. Hoping to make my way out to CA and play at Stones sometime this year.
He bluffed you too Bart, edit that description 😂 lol jk, nice analysis though
Andrew eating his mouth might be a tell lol