Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
To learn more go to: http://cashinpoker.com/poker-strategy.html
Learn the optimal poker strategy to win money from your opponents fast. This video shows you step by step how to apply advanced poker strategy to defeat any opponent. Rob Akery will reveal the exact poker tips he applies to win over $11,000 in under 10 minutes in a real money poker game. Once you learn these poker rules, you will know the best texas holdem poker strategy for playing different poker hands and getting an edge over your opponents.
The link to this video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QayM46jodXw
Source: YouTube

play money dollars woohooo
I really just wanna know if you won that last hand or not hah
Wow…my mother could have made this video. I was waiting for you to say, "Its good to just go all in right away, because if you win, you"ll have double money!"
Why the love are you checking heads up when he is too and your the first player to place a bet. Read a book!
wtf the guy in for that much with 22 lmao donkey
Why fold pre-flop if all you have to do is call blinds dumb ass, face cards don't guarantee a win.
How to win 11'000, risk 10,000 of your own money and hope you make 11,000 and don't lose 10,000.
I think they removed gullible from the dictionary so this should work fine.
This video is nonsense. The part 7:30 where it says you only need to win 1/4 times in that situation to be profitable is bullbad.
1600 pot(800 is your money)+
1600 pot(800 is your money)+
1600 pot(800 is your money)+
1600 pot(800 is your money)
That's 3200 you have bet
3200 from opponent
If you win 1/4 thats 1600
800 profit
You made 800 from betting 3200
Thats -2400
The thing she talk about is for beginner a pro would fire a continue bet with air on the flop and try to represent an ace on the turn to induce a fold for the best hand
win to lose it all…