Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
Pot Odds, Postflop Draws Break-Even Equity, and Bluffing in Holdem, Poker Math Made Easy, EPK 013
http://www.winnerinaweek.com/win-big/cash-game-equity-and-odds-calculators/ Get the Cash Game Equity and Odds Calculator here.
Poker strategy videos on Essential Poker Knowledge (EPK) made easy: The Art of Poker from http://www.winnerinaweek.com/
The EPK video series is your fast track to become a poker shark in the shortest amount of time! It provides you with the information and means you’ll need to think like a poker pro, understand the game (especially Texas Holdem) on a much deeper level and beat up to 90% of all the competition you’ll face in brick-and-mortar and online casinos as well as dominate the great majority of your home games. Numerous real-time poker-coaching videos and commentaries for online cash games and tournaments are also available at our YouTube channel above. Enjoy!
Get the poker tools utilized throughout these videos at http://www.winnerinaweek.com/poker-strategy-shop/
In this video series I explain the following concepts and provide a lot of additional easy-to-use poker strategies and tactics as well as numerous example hands for improving your game:
– Poker Math — Essentials Made Easy
— Bankroll management
— Equity and expected value
— Position, pot odds and break-even equity (EQ)
— Key poker statistics — all you need to know and track
— Optimal stats and starting hands charts (Texas Holdem full-ring, 6-max & heads-up games)
– Player Profiling and Poker Psychology: Understanding the Numbers
— Game theory overview
— How to spot tight-aggressive players (TAGs), loose-aggressive players (LAG), maniacs, “donks” and many other styles of play
— How to convert stats to ranges of hands
— Image and deception at the poker tables
– Bet Types, Pot Manipulation, Moves and Lines of Play
— Pre-Flop bet-sizing (no-limit & pot-limit), pot odds and equity
— Post-flop “lines” and pot-manipulation strategies
— No-limit Texas Holdem: numerous full-ring and 6-max example-hands
– Tournaments: SnGs, DoNs and MTTs Especially in Texas Holdem
— Comprehensive overview of tournament play and principles
— Sit-and-go tournaments: phases, stats and ranges (brief double-or-nothing overview)
— Multi-table tournaments: phases, stats, ranges and final-table deals
Source: YouTube

very cool csv how did you make it
excellent video man, very clear