Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
In this video I walk through some probabilities that are useful to know before the flop occurs in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker. I also get a little bit into tips on how to play based on these probabilities.
This is the first video in a series that I will be updating very soon. Also I will be posting calculations for the probabilities used in this video in the near future.
Link to calculating the probabilities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPwN3BPBpwo&t=25s
Source: YouTube

Q8 always folds…..
Q8 is also beaten by Q9-QQ. Ignoring that makes Q8 look stronger than it really is.
Some people play to many hands and continuation bet,there betting against themselves.Should only play 20 percent of hands in 8 player.How often do people hit.Why not bet bigger preflop when you got good cards.