Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
In this poker coaching video, we are going to talk about poker strategy – how much to raise preflop in a live 1/2 no limit holdem cash game. There are many variables to preflop raise size, but I’m going to try and give you some basic suggestions.
Poker Strategy 101! This poker coaching video series applies to players who are having trouble at $1/$2 NLHE live games, who may be losing players, break even players, or inexperienced players.
The poker coaching videos are to give losing/inexperienced players a simple starting point, and hopefully help them grow as live cash game players. These poker coaching videos are basically poker strategy 101, where to start – and how to learn basic poker strategy – to beat live $1/$2 no limit holdem.
I offer 1-on-1 poker coaching for $1/$2 and $1/$3 no limit holdem players who are trying to become profitable and develop a poker thought process! One on one poker coaching sessions on Skype (or even a phone conversation), where we go over hand histories together.
I offer poker coaching to players who take notes on the hands they played – AND – I also have 1-on-1 poker coaching courses prepared where I PROVIDE THE POKER HANDS for discussion, hands from my students, and myself.
Email poker coaching inquiries to livepokerplayer8@gmail.com or visit my website detroitpoker.net for more information and pricing
If you are having a hard time beating poker, you need this book!!! Affiliate links below! Help support my channel by using the affiliate links provided to get this must have book!
“The Mental Game of Poker” by Jared Tendler
These are “paid links” and commisions will be earned by me if you use the links below to purchase The Mental Game of Poker.
Mental Game of Poker 1 e-book for Amazon Kindle – https://amzn.to/2GiWZHM
Mental Game of Poker 1 actual book – https://amzn.to/2t0H7Sw
Mental Game of Poker 2 e-book – https://amzn.to/2WET6Tt
Mental Game of Poker 2 actual book – https://amzn.to/2t1nQQV
If you like my videos and appreciate the content, show your support for the channel by ordering one of my t-shirts! I would greatly appreciate your support! Visit my website to check them out! https://detroitpoker.net/
I will be following this video series up with a live stream here on YouTube to address questions/concerns from my viewers! This will be a chance for anyone to ask me questions in real time! It is also a chance to show me some love in the super chat, for the first time, and support the channel!
Live Stream Wednesday, February 6, 2019! 9pm Eastern!
Episode 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPFJi…
Episode 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jIn_…
Episode 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWNS7X7T_V0
Episode 4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkwz2lHYPXU
Episode 5 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REfQPEveyZk
Episode 6 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyaF5bS7dE8
Episode 7 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLmEG4u3NTc
Twitter @poker_detroit
IG – detroitpoker
Source: YouTube

If nit calls they might have ak aq and low flow you bet they fold and your aj wins
Ain't no thumbs down round here!!!
What do you do when you raise pre and miss the flop? Like I always do when I raise pre lol
Sometimes I like to purposefully start a "call train" when I have a pair or suited connector because people won't bet enough to make calling unprofitable or I will smash a set and get paid by multiple people inflating a pot.
You raise $12 where I play and you're getting minimum 4 callers unless it's one of those hands where nobody gets a hand but at $12 either everyone's folding or you're getting minimum 4 callers. But good video.
On my third time thru this series. Thank you so much for doing this.
Finding the sweet spot for the table that you are at is perfect advice. Cant wait to push the ideas a bit.
Flop Junkie 😂😂😂
I wrote a book! It's now available on Amazon!!! https://amzn.to/335sLDQ
Lots of info for live low stakes players trying to improve!