Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
In this video, I cover the basic preflop strategy for Texas Holdem poker. Preflop poker hands for Full Ring and Shorthanded play are included. Learning basic poker strategies start preflop, and as a beginner, you should learn these preflop hands before you learn anything else.
Poker is a complex game and the hands you play preflop will affect how you proceed with your post-flop strategy. This creates the fundamental baseline of your overall poker strategy.
Play tight in early position and open up your starting hand range as you get closer to the button. While this advice may be very basic it is still not understood or implemented correctly by many players.
By mastering this fundamental aspect of poker you will be ahead of many other players at the poker table. Using the strategy outlines in this video, which includes raising or folding only pre-flop, you will avoid the pitfalls of many players who limp their weak and medium strength hands pre-flop.
I hope you enjoy this video!
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Source: YouTube

I watched a lot of tips videos that were a waste of time, but this is a useful video. Thanks
I think that was awesome! Wish you would teach that at koocam. I would definitely pay to learn that from u to get suitable info
after watching a dozen videos for beginners this one helped the most, thanks
hey I'm a newbie to poker.
got a question on the list at 3:29 : does that mean I should fold on the preflop if my hand is weaker than those hands if i'me not planning to bluff?
also, what are the recommendations if I am on the SB or BB?
nice advice Rounder University Poker Strategy moron
I made a strat!
Now u dont need luck. JUST BET ALL UR MONEY SO THEY FLOP.
just know that you should have atleast 1 good card!
What does it mean to be "out of position after the flop"?
I clicked on the vid cuz i saw a cute girl, and all i get is a 40 year-old dude -_-
This video is loveing hilarious😂 gasms 10 minutes in hahahahahahaha!!!! Im dying rn!
Hello from Ireland…thank you bud