Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:
#ultimatetexasholdem #lasvegas #livestream
Source: YouTube

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Hey Brandon. Just finished watching the stream. I have never played Texas hold ‘em. Gonna have to try this. Sorry I missed the whole stream. We can’t wait to start filming tables. 🙌
Tough session. Better luck next time
Dealer deals last dealer has huge advantage
@KingJasonslots have you put out any new content?
Lost almost $900
Win or lose great content.
Fun to watch! When you go 4x with just 1 card exposed, keep it a mystery!
Cruel dealer quads with a pair.
good luck. You have a strategy, but sometimes nothing works. However, whether we win or lose, we continue. I'm like you, but I prefer table poker to casino poker. Although both are poker players with the same rules, they are two different worlds.
4:44 – isn't quads 10:1? should'v been $100, not $30 unless I'm missing something…