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Free Poker Training Videos
We understand beginning, struggling and micro stakes poker players have a limited bankroll and are prudent with their money. That is why our poker school is low-priced with you in mind, with several free courses too!
Affordable Poker School
We understand beginning, struggling and micro stakes poker players have a limited bankroll and are prudent with their money. That is why our poker school is low-priced with you in mind, with several free courses too!
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We provide you free poker training articles to help you improve your game. Our articles are short, valuable nuggets of wisdom designed to help beginning and struggling poker players.
Best-Selling Poker Books
We also offer some amazing poker books, including Amazon.com’s #1 best selling poker book, Essential Poker Math! What’s even better is that our books are low-cost starting at $2.99!
Our Origins
MicroGrinder.com was originally started in 2014 by Alton Hardin as a dedicated micro stakes cash game study group as a means to quickly and efficiently improving his poker game. In a matter of months it quickly morphed into a dedicated micro stakes community with a dedicated Skype study group, micro stakes forum, and free training material. As the months passed, members came and went from the world of micro stakes, as they commonly do; however, Alton was dedicated to continue to evolve MicroGrinder. From 2014 – 2015, Alton had drastically improved his poker game to the point where he was developing poker training content on YouTube, Udemy.com, Amazon and MicroGrinder.com for fellow micro stakes poker players.
Our Mission
Today Alton is dedicated to continue that path with MicroGrinder Poker School, continuing to write poker strategy articles, best-selling poker books, and poker training courses all geared towards beginning and struggling micro stakes poker players at an affordable price. Currently Alton has produced three poker books, six poker courses, numerous poker strategy articles and over 85 free YouTube poker strategy videos.
Please watch: “Big Changes Happening at The MicroGrinder Poker School YouTube Channel!”
Source: YouTube

Hey do you have an one on one coaching program teaching poker? Thanks
Ofc 98s performs poorly against your extremely nitty 3b range, but I think against normal loose aggressive players 3b range in BB vs BU resteal situation 98s is an easy call. For example, I resteal in BB 19,2% against button steal, and the range is polarized so 98s has nearly 40% equity against that range. If you 3b like 3-5% against the button, your opponent can exploit you by folding everything besides his premium holdings. Your hand is pretty much face up if you don't have any 3b bluffs
98s has really good equity against AK and similar hands, and it has great implied odds against JJ-AA. So I think, its totally fine to call a 3-bet with 98s, when you have position on your opponent postflop. You might not be QUITE priced in on outright equity, but its close. And you have so much other good stuff going for you, that it simply does not matter.
As for the QQ, this is a tough spot for the hand. I am fine with betting flop and turn, because we can still get value on the turn from TT-JJ and flushdraws. However when the flush come in on the river, and he shove, unfortunatly this is a pretty clear fold. He is never shoving worse for value, and he pretty much never have a bluff here, because all the draws came in.
So in my opinion both players played their hands perfectly until the river. But on the river QQ need to find a fold, even though its difficult to let those pretty ladyes go. But as they say, dont get married to your overpairs. Being able to make laydowns like this can make a big difference to your winrate in the long run.