Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:
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E-mail List: http://RounderUniversity.com
The software I use:
Hand2Note: http://hand2note.com/?aid=6b
PokerSnowie Trial: http://goo.gl/dgmqHT
Poker Tracker 4 Trial: https://goo.gl/Db6GYe
Simple Postflop (10% Discount): https://goo.gl/ZLUoQY
PPPoker HUD: https://goo.gl/NnKLWK
US Poker Sites
Ignition Casino: https://goo.gl/FwJBtN
Bovada Casino: https://goo.gl/7bAwrq
America’s Card Room: http://goo.gl/6lO9Sz $50 In Free Credits with Lyft: https://goo.gl/TF9ZXF
Ignition Casino Signup: https://goo.gl/8hOsya
27% Rakeback on America’s Card Room: http://goo.gl/6lO9Sz
PokerSnowie Trial: http://goo.gl/dgmqHT
Deuces Cracked Trial: http://goo.gl/rBrcqm
Poker Tracker 4 Trial: https://goo.gl/Db6GYe
My E-mail List: http://RounderUniversity.com
Source: YouTube

Hey, I just discovered your channel and subbed. Can you give me your opinion on PokerSnowie? I already watched one of your videos on pokersnowie but didn't quite understand if I should get it or not.
You never reviewed my bad. love.
What are your thoughts in hindsight of bluffing small at 13:09? $6.00 to win $19 even, only needs to work %24 or so and he prob check raises a decent amount of clubs on the turn. We on the other hand still have a few flushes in our range and can always check back stronger hands like 1 pairs, vs this one, so we have plenty of give ups in our range. I feel like we aren't bluffing enough if we are checking back all of our J highs, we do want to have some bluffs here in our overall strategy right? When there are 4 clubs on the board, our opponent will be without a club a lot (about %50 of the time), and a hand like 88, 6x, 2c, will have a very hard time calling river, even though it can snap the turn. Honestly, betting like $17 only has to work %45 of the time, and can get straights, trips, and sometimes weaker flushes to fold. The other alternative is overbetting the pot to target weaker flushes (2x pot only needs to work %67 of the time), but I would prefer having a read and a blocker for that play, maybe like a 4x, idk. If you do sense strength though, I like a smaller bet more. Anytime you check back river, you should ask yourself how often each play (half pot, pot, 2x pot) will work. If you don't know, you have to make a guess with your experience and really feel it out and give it a chance, because I think all ideas make money here. The smaller bets prob make more than the bigger ones, but all are better, even just by a little bit, than checking back. Villain not leading the turn or check raising turn leads me to believe that not only is he is not strong enough on this card, but we probably are. Let me know your thoughts though, I am a red line player in the 6 max/HU games, and i'm sure we have different, but both winning, playstyles.
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Can you push ignition hand history to Hold'em manager? If so, would you mind uploading a how to video? Thanks in advance!
What hud are you using?
I see the Q8 being a clear fold, but not so sure about the ATs hand. The river jam was only 60 BB effective. What did he end up having?