Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:
Computer-Generated stack allows your to CHEAT at Texas Hold ‘Em!
Source: YouTube

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can you only do this once? but if you can do it multiple time's how would you put back the cards to maintain order
I love u man ur videos are so awesome but I don't know how to play poker
Stephanie is so cute~
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Is it always like "oh maybe the others will win, oh wait they won't", or is it sometimes very obvious from the start?
0:59 nice Freemason handshake
3 times the regular bet is $20 if you are the devil… 6.6666666
The 3 one doesn’t always work. If you start with 9 of diamonds at the top, the first person to get cards wins with 3 of a kind
Love that simple man is play in the background Lynyrd Skynyrd rocks